About Church of Perpetual Life
Our Mission
Our Mission is to assist all people in the radical extension of healthy human life, and to provide fellowship for longevity enthusiasts through regular, holiday and memorial services.
Our Leadership

Neal VanDeRee
Owner of VanDeRee Associates.
“My beliefs are that the human species can stop and reverse the aging process,” says Neal. “I view it as a disease that we can cure and believe this will come to pass within our lifetime. The sooner we get this done, the more lives will be saved.”

Bill Faloon
Founder of The Church Of Perpetual Life. Director and co-founder of the Life Extension Foundation, a consumer advocacy organization that funds research and disseminates information to consumers about optimal health. Faloon has made hundreds of media appearances, including guest spots on The Phil Donohue Show, Tony Brown’s Journal, and ABC News Day One, and has been interviewed Newsweek and other magazines.

Charlie Kam
President of The Board of Directors
New President of the Board of Directors of Perpetual Life, Charlie has worked for the past two decades and continues to work, with his mentor, friend, inventor, author and Engineering Director at Google, Ray Kurzweil, in the promotion of futuristic technologies, through books, films, music, and conferences. He sponsored, hosted and “emceed” the 3-day Transvision Conference in Chicago with over 30 speakers discussing the latest breakthroughs in biotechnology, including scientists and celebrities such as Ray Kurzweil, Billionaire Founder of Sirius Satellite, Martine Rothblatt, and Star Trek actor William Shatner. Charlie studied Biochemistry, Psychology and Philosophy at Oakton College, University of Illinois, and DePaul University before attending Ross Medical School. He was inducted into the Phi Thera Kappa Honor Society for high academic achievement
Our Prophets
Our church draws inspiration from two visionary thinkers: Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov, the founder of Russian cosmism, who advocated for using science and technology to achieve immortality and space exploration; and Sir Arthur C. Clarke, the pioneering science fiction writer whose works explored the profound implications of advanced technology on human evolution.

Sir Arthur C Clarke
(16 December 1917 – 19 March 2008) was a British science fiction writer, science writer, and futurist, inventor, undersea explorer, and television series host.
He is famous for being co-writer of the screenplay for the 1968 film 2001: A Space Odyssey, widely considered to be one of the most influential films of all time. Clarke was a science writer, who was both an avid populariser of space travel and a futurist of uncanny ability. On these subjects, he wrote over a dozen books and many essays, which appeared in various popular magazines.
Arthur C Clarke’s three laws of forecasting:
- When a distinguished but elderly scientist states that something is possible, they are almost certainly right. When they state that something is impossible, they are very probably wrong.
- The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
- Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.

Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov
Prophet Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov (1828-1903), one of Russia’s most original thinkers, lived at a time of intense intellectual controversies, artistic creativity and scientific ‘take-off’ in Russia. Yet it was also a time of growing worldwide militarism when increasingly lethal weapons were being developed, of civil strife, of labor unrest in the rapidly industrializing countries of the West, and of revolutionary rumblings in Russia.
Our Core Purposes
As Immortalists, we believe that future technology will conquer disease, aging, and death itself. While this technology may not be currently available, the impressive history of human problem solving and technological advancement gives us faith in its inevitability.
1. Provide fellowship for longevity enthusiasts through various services
2. Teach scientific rationality and the Creator’s plan for humanity to achieve markedly extended healthy lifespans.
3. Accelerate the Common Task of Humanity: cultivating technology to facilitate the transformation of life into an environment of perpetual duration.
4. Enable information sharing amongst fellow longevity enthusiasts to facilitate the Common Task.
5. Create a sense of belonging and communal volunteer support for fellow church members facing medical problems.
6. Institutionalize the concept of indefinitely extended lifespans to enlighten others and contribute to the Common Task.
7. Provide a tangible foundation and physical structure to demonstrate our commitment to perpetual support for deanimated members and advance biomedical research.
8. Offer group support, peer encouragement, and rational persuasion for members and guests to contribute to the Common Task of Humanity.